successful Married life and issues women deal with

 Living. That is, when it comes to 'tolerance' with mortgages, it reflects our environment. Where we live This shows the favorable conditions of our temperament, habits and temperament as we live here, so we also adopted the 'tolerance' there.

Adopted the art of transforming oneself by adapting to one's non-region or homeland or environment, regardless of one's region. God has placed in human nature the virtue of trying to adapt to a new environment very quickly. He is able to change his mood.

Women in particular have the ability to adapt to the environment, using their abilities, and even trying to change. It is a natural feature of them that they use their ability to color their moods and habits according to the circumstances. And to some extent they are successful. This God-given ability is present in the majority.

When we talk about living, living, the talk becomes more broad and demanding. There are many aspects to this and all of them are of great importance. Here we will talk about the girls who enter the newly married life. The in-laws' environment is like a stranger and a test for every newly married girl. Moving into it is the only guarantee for the success of this girl.

This compatibility does not have to be achieved immediately. It does take some time, but in our society, the ball is always thrown in the court of the new daughter-in-law, how long does it take to adapt to the new environment? A few days, a few months, or a few years ... In our family system and practices, the 'coming' has to make sacrifices and compromises.

Therefore, their training is also important and this training must be from a girl's childhood. What kind of mood does the girl have in her home, with siblings, and parents? Is he encouraged from the beginning to adopt adult literature, compassion for his siblings, tolerance? Has she been told to forgive her siblings for their misbehavior or does she get angry too quickly at home?

This is where the beginning of the training begins. A girl can learn to adapt to all kinds of situations in her own home, she must endure the hardships of her parents, she must have the courage to forgive the mistakes of her siblings, as soon as she Will also be able to handle attitudes.

The joy of her home, her new family, and of herself and of her home (Mecca) lies in the fact that she adapts to the in-laws' environment as soon as possible, and for that she does not just have to 'live' in this house. Also happens And not a little but a lot against their moods and habits ... The real bravery is to 'endure' criticism, sarcasm, satire, soft and unfavorable environment etc.

Tolerance means to endure these opposing winds, and to turn them towards favorable conditions. After that there is a lot of room for work and a conducive and conducive environment.

It's just that a house that is a unit of the family, its strength and its maintenance depends entirely on a woman's endurance and behind the endurance are the attitudes that are necessary to maintain the house. Instead of these attitudes, we will talk about only one aspect.

It's simple but profound, because in our society all expectations (which are often unreasonable) are imposed on the new daughter-in-law, so she has to live with her new home. To endure

Putting one's own will on the line is to make the happiness of others one's own. Putting one's own priorities in one's home affairs is the reason why one's future life depends on it. Although the joint family system is now fragmented in our society, it is still visible somewhere and efforts are being made to save it.

Here you will also have a complaint as to why only one girl can bear everything, when socially husband and wife have two wheels of the car, sometimes in life a girl has to show patience and somewhere a boy should also create space. Now we have said in the above lines that we cannot change it through a writing or a wish that the girl has to endure everything.

Of course, they can contribute to the change by paying a little attention to the training of their sons and enabling them to consider their spouse as their equal spouse, sometimes even enduring something for them. Of course, when you make someone's daughter your daughter-in-law and put this sand in it, maybe it will become a river and this trend of the society will also change.

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