The Untamed (Hindi Dubbed) Episode 3 Season 1

The reason for the show’s success isn’t immediately evident. The Untamed has a complicated story structure that can be initially confusing to first-time viewers. The first three episodes plunge you deep into the middle of a convoluted plot, with the main character who’s abruptly returned from the dead and has no idea what’s going on. Then we pivot to a 30-episode-long flashback that comprises the main story arc, set roughly 18 years before the main character’s return. There’s a huge cast, and most characters have two or three names; I found it immensely helpful to keep this Wikipedia page full of character names open as I watched.

But if you just roll with all of that, The Untamed rapidly becomes addictive, as interesting and watchable as it is complex. Like many stories within the Xianxia fantasy genre, The Untamed features highly advanced magic-wielders known as cultivators. We follow a brilliant cultivation student, Wei Wuxian (Xiao) as he first excels, then rebels within this tradition. While at cultivation school, he forms an unlikely frenemy-ship with dreamy but untouchable ice prince Lan Wangji (Wang), Somewhere between the first and third or fourth time he’s tried and hilariously failed to flirt with his crush, you stop sweating the confusing plot details in order to enjoy their blossoming chemistry.

From there, the story entangles you in gnarled plot threads and subjects you to constant, delicious emotional upheaval, as Wei Wuxian becomes a target of scorn due to his ability to wield black magic. Alongside becoming completely invested in the two main characters, you start to love nearly all of The Untamed’s expansive cast; I came for queer exorcists, and by the end, I was obsessing over villain hats and sobbing about adoptive families and sworn brotherhood.

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